Friday, May 11, 2007

Newton's three beards

How could i forget this one? Shit, it is the best comical incident that has ever happened in GP's class. Actually one of the best. So here it goes,
It was during the first month of 11th standard, when we hardly knew GP. He was teaching us the Newton's laws which sounded thoroughly mesmerizing. Arvind(aka B), madhu and myself were seated in the same row, and were talking about Metallica lead singer, James Hetfield. The three of us were talking about his new look with his new beard style. Madhu was examining B's beard and started comparing it with Hetfield's. GP noticed that none of us were listening and got even more angry when he caught madhu mimicking B's beard. "Get out....dont enter my class anymore. For you, his BEARD is more important than NEWTON'S THIRD LAW aa?"

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