Just read on fellas! And just in case someone wants to write my biography, please do refer this blog. Okay, no bad words please!
Monday, June 14, 2010
The car ride was, as-usual, a barrel of laughs with Vinay taking centre stage. The rummy lad entertained us with his views and opinions of the current events(including the MF Hussain). What made his comic sense even more amusing, was his heavy accent! I swear, the effer got his way with words. What seemed annoying at first, actually was the best part of the holiday. This also got Waga and Budda to start the name game, where they would call out the name of the person who was pointlessly arguing with Vinay. This is like a hint to ask the person just shut up and leave Vinay talking to himself. Anyways, enough credit to the protagonist of this weekend!
The first morning we went to the Innovative Film City, which has these kinda impressive museums like Ripley's Believe It Or Not, Guinness' World Records, Dino Land. One of the "rides" at IFC was the Haunted House. It was rather disappointing, as every "ghost" or "ghoul" scare was predictable. The machines would make a rumbling noise before they moved, so we knew what was in store for us in the next room. But the Mirror Maze was fun. At one point of time we were actually lost for a couple of minutes when Rouse got fed up and said "Machi dhum pathha vai".
We wanted to go to a pub that evening, and decided to check out Brigade Road. We didn't know much about pubs at B'lore, so Ajay phoned up his friend. So yeah, we listened to a "friend" of his, and went to NASA, a space-lab-themed pub. Well, it sounds all awesome, but believe me it turned out to be my worst nightmare! We just hung out there, and deeply regretted for having chosen this particular place for it had no hot girls! So we just had a drink each and left. Towards the end of the evening Ajay wanted to brag to another friend of his, about our recent jaunt to NASA. Well, I guess the first friend has something against Ajay, because apparently NASA is a GAY PUB. This shook everyone of us! Only then did we remember that while we were there, a family came by and occupied the table next to ours, and the waiter whispered something to them, and they immediately left. No wonder there weren't any GIRLS, leave alone HOT girls!!!
We visited the Garuda Mall, a typical shopping mall except with a 4D Theatre and a Scary House ride. And NO, the scary house ride was NOTHING like that dumb fuck Haunted Mansion! This ride had real people dressed as ghosts! We were so scared even before entering because while we were standing in the queue, a weeping kid was being carried out of the ride! The kid claimed that one of the ghosts actually whacked his leg! This got us even more curious. So we walked in, trembling to our fits. It was really a hair raising experience as every single thing that was supposed to scare us, actually SCARED THE SHIT out of us! It was pitch dark on either sides, and throughout it had us shivering. And right before the exit door was this guy dressed in a creepy ghost suit who sprang out to us, beating the floor with what appeared to be a club! If we didn't move, he would get closer to us and literally drive us out! But as soon as we came out, we realised that one of us was missing! 8 went in, and only 7 came out! The famous rouse was hollering from inside, the ghost with the club shouting even louder! The security then had to drag a pale, sweating Rouse out.
The next morning, Vinay realised that he had run out of clothes to wear, and B, being a purist, was rushing everyone to get ready to go for breakfast. In the course of time, everyone else except Vinay was ready to leave the room, and in desperation, Vinay infuriated B saying, "Dae, first shopping polaam, appram breakfast. Ok vaa?". And so, we left him in the room. Well, what would you except us to do.
On the last evening, we had made reservations at 13th Floor, a resto pub with nice loud music. Food was great, especially the biryani whose key ingredient was the chef's very own hair strand. After dinner we went for ice creams. Vinay took us to a so-called-popular parlour called Lake View Milk Bar, where the closing ceremony began. It all started when Vinay got calls from Mother Nature which he simply couldn't avoid. So he rushed to the waiter and asked for the rest room. The waiter looked him to the eye and said "No toilets here". Madhu on the other hand faced a similar situation, but rushed into the nearby Pizza Hut just to take a leak, and upon exiting, the staffed thanked him and asked him to come again. Anyways, Vinay was boiling on the inside, and to add to the heat, was the waiter's attitude. And so we took our seats, and Vinay was bragging about a certain ice cream flavour(Coka Moka) which he had had the previous visit. So he called for the waiter(the same guy), and asked him for Coka-Moka. The waiter gave Vinay a blunt look and said that he was not aware of such a flavor. Vinay kept insisting that he had Coka Moka once at Lake View, and the waiter after sometime gave up and said that probably they changed the name. So a boiling, disappointed Vinay, settled with the waiter's recommendation which was supposed to be similar to Coka Moka. Also, B took a long time to place his order, and finally asked for the Lake View Special. The waiter scribbled it down. The rest of us took a while to decide on what we wanted to have, which got the waiter even more impatient. Who wouldn't be, with Vinay saying the word "Coka Moka" every other minute. After the waiter took down the last of our orders, B called him, and asked, "Uh...I asked for...the Lake View Special, right?". Waiter replied, "Yes". B looked back into the menu card, and back at the waiter, "Right. Right. And what exactly, may I ask, is the Lake View Special?". The waiter rolled his eyes, and rushed through the ingredients. And so finally, when the waiter was about to leave, vinay called him back and asked, "Does my ice cream have cake?", to which the waiter replied "Yes". Vinay immediately came out with his next question, "Is it hot cake or cold cake?". This question might have been answered in a nice manner, but considering the previous record of the arguement which the waiter and Vinay had, it HAD to be answered hard. So the waiter irritably answered, "Hot cake aa? Cake means cold only da!", and walked off. Vinay now, was not just deprived off a rest room and his favourite ice cream, but was snubbed cold by the waiter. This got everyone of us ROTFL! Vinay couldn't stop cursing the waiter(who was nowhere to be seen). The waiter returned after sometime with our orders, and while he was serving, madhu noticed a nice long strand of hair in his Merry Widow's special, and slowly pulled it out. He kept looking at it for a few seconds, not knowing what to do. Vinay saw this, and wanted to utilise this oppurtunity to snub the waiter back. So he called out for the waiter and started shouting "Look at that. Look at that." The waiter slowly walked towards Madhu, who held the strand against the waiter's face. The poor guy couldn't notice what Madhu was holding, so both of them kept looking at eachother for a few seconds. Vinay started shouting "It's a hair strand". The waiter turned and glared at Vinay, who silently sat down. The waiter got back to madhu and said "Sir, it is not hair, sir". Madhu quickly asked back, "Then what it is?", in a very famous accent. Madhu, as we all know, is very particualr as to what goes into his food(read the mysore bonda episode) and got all pissed off. The waiter apologised to Madhu and took back the ice cream. Meanwhile, even when such a loud and amusing matter was happening, Ajay was full on with his brownie. This got all of our attention, and the guy didn't even notice the sudden silence, when all of us were just staring at him. He was in his own hot choco world, where all was merry with Ajay blowing the heat off the brownie. Rouse asked, "Enna ajay, soup aa kudikara?"
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Man from the pink house
This is like a real entertainer, what I am about to narrate to you guys. I still can't stop laughing and it just happened this evening. I came back home and rushed to the computer to write this down, before I forgot even the slightest of the details.
So here goes:
My friends and I decided to go to Pergola for some beverages and dinner this evening. For the people who are unaware of where this place is, its at Accord Metropolitan. Its this nice roof-top resto-bar with a mind blowing aerial view of T-Nagar.
Half way down the booze, we decided to check out the view of the city, and so some of us went by this other table occupied by these two "Gentlemen", who appeared to be just placing their orders. One of them suddenly said,"Isn't it a fantastic view, guys". We agreed in unison. The older of the two pointed out to the city, and said "That house with the pink lights is mine. The one opposite to Benz park Hotel". We awed just to satisfy the man's weird pride. And that's when he started off with his Boston visit and the number of times a year he visits Australia. He asked how old we are and what we do. He said that Boston is a good city for post graduation and that we should really consider going there(Or at least that's what I think he said, cause the guy was barely audible). He was mumbling about his niece in Boston who loves having other Indian people at her place(WHAT!!??) and he started searching for his niece's visiting card in what appeared to be his huge-ass wallet. He took out like bundles of rupee notes and credit cards and other bullshit on the table. He insisted that he did have one. At last he gave up and we decided to go back to our table.
He again called to us and said that he would buy us all a round of drinks. We initially refused but then said fine. We all shifted to his table and listened to his gibberish. He asked us if we could spare him a fag, and so we gave him the last of our cigarettes and the lighter. The dude thought he lit his cig and started taking puffs off a non-lit cigarette. He kept dragging and blowing for quite sometime until Sunandh pointed it out to him. He said, "Oh..No wonder! Could one of you uh... help me out with this lighter?", and Sunandh volunteered. The man had just finished his first serving and was already high with all sorta non-sense he spoke which made no sense(leave alone the fact that he was barely audible). We HAD to put up with it cause the dude said he would buy us like this 2000bucks worth booze!!! So he was yapping about some non-sense when Rouse asked him for his name and phone number(just for fun). He again pointed out to the city and said, "That house with the pink lights is mine". He called for the waiter and asked for a sheet of paper and pen, started jotting down what was supposed to be his name and address. He handed it over to me and I couldn't stop laughing(Image of the paper attached).

We finished our drinks and the guy asked for the bill. He said that he would pay for our entire booze. We were taken aback and said a loud NO. "It's my pleasure", he said,"Its after all uh..for just one evening". After sometime we gave up thinking,"What shit?". He again started off with some crap about Melbourne and Sydney and his friends there. And something about a friend of his who owns a palm oil farm with a bungalow, and now all of us appeared interested only for the fact that this dude is going to foot our entire bill for the evening, which, by the way, totaled to a whopping 6000 bucks!!!!
We were saved by the waiter who handed him his bill, and handed Sunandh our bill. Sunandh got a call and was on the phone when the old man held out his hand to Sunandh. My poor friend ended the call and gave the phone to the guy, thinking that he probably wanted to make a call. The dude gave Sunandh back his phone and said, "No...Give me your bill". Sunandh promptly handed the bill to the old drunk chap, who put the bill to his ear and held it their for a few seconds until he blinked and said,"Oh! How can I hear the bill". He tried to read it and looked at the waiter and said,"I will pay for everything which these uhh... gentlemen had". We tried to argue with him and later realized that it was pointless to argue with a guy who tried to hear what was written on a piece of paper. The waiter left with the checks and the creditcard, and we all got up. The poor old guy had some trouble standing up and fell back on his chair, so the five of us helped him up. (At this point you must realise that the other dude who came with this dude was just watching the whole drama).
The waiter came back for the card bearer's signature. The old man looked at the card receipt, signed it and mumbled to himself saying, "It says 3800 here, but uhh... lets see what it says right down here...", and looked at the bottom of the receipt. "Oh!", he looked at us, "these fuckers have conned us". He called for the waiter and said,"I don't think we had all this. I think you have given us uhh... the wrong check. I will come back tomorrow and talk to you about it". The waiter was dazzled but appeared to be cool and nodded to this old guy.
We helped him to the lift , and once inside, the old guy took out our check from his pocket and asked us,"Why on earth am I billed 38,000?", to which Rouse quickly corrected him saying,"Sir, it's not 38,000, its 3800", and quickly snatched the bill from the man and hid it before he started an argument. The other guy said that the car is at the parking lot, and so Sunandh and Madhu assisted them. Only when they asked the valet guy did they realize that the car driver had been sent off earlier that evening!! The old man was obviously not in the state to drive, and the other dude claimed that he doesn't know to drive. So Sunandh called for an auto and pushed both these insane gentlemen into it.
A total of 5800Rs worth booze, all for free. Poor guy is going to wake up the next day in his pink house and realise what a dumb-ass he had been, or maybe he is stinkin rich, or maybe is a bit corky on the inside, but that's not our problem. We did say NO at first when he said he would pay the bill. HE insisted and we thought, Why not?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Well....its been a long time and out of public demand, I am back with more posts for entertaining at the cost of the gang's humiliation and public embarassment.
We had planned for a trip to Kodaikanal(hill station in Tamil Nadu) after the sem exams and god's grace it worked out!! We were 10 of us: Myself, Rouse, Madhu, B, Rakesh, Ajay, Shekh, Budda, RV and Harish.We drove from chennai to Kodai in B's Innova ('drove' as in the driver drove the car). So hence there were 11 of us in the vehicle!!!!
The drive was the best and the most entertaining part of the trip. We had music, plus, Madhu's and Rouse's live kalaichifying.It all started when Rakesh reasoned his sick self. He said he had an "Output Failure"(for those of you who dont understand what it meant, output is gang slang for "shite"). This choked us all, and off went madhu with his punch dialogues like"Chithhoor thaandina kaatpaadi, rakesh vitta dead body".
Rakesh suddenly spotted a hill at far sight and asked with curiousity,"Adhu endha malai?", and quick came madhu's words,"Kanchana Mala".
And then came a petrol tank and madhu said,"Paathuda rakesh, high presssure naala tank vedikaporadhu".
Rakesh wanted to ignore and avoid madhu's kalaichifying, and so he decided to plug his headfones to his phone and acted as if he wasn't listening to us. But when harish noticed this he silently unplugged the headfones,and he found out that rakesh wasnt listening to any songs, he was just listening to his phone's monophonic ringtones.
After all the frolic in the car, we reached kodai safely and rouse fell sick that night. The rest of us wanted dinner so we left rouse in the room and went to a nearby restaurant. Rouse said he would watch tv and lock the door from inside. So we left and later,after dinner, when we came back to our rooms, we knocked at the door and found no reply. We yelled out frantically as the room keys were with rouse. We tried calling his mobile but unfortunately had no signal. And then heroic rakesh came up with a plan. He went downstairs and climbed on to the sunshade of the room and threw in small stones at rouse trying to wake him him. After a few minutes, rakesh's aerobics worked out and rouse woke up and opened the room, and the 9 of us pounced on him.
It was time for bed and we all slept in our respective beds. In one of the beds lay RV with rakesh. Suddenly from under the blanket RV shouted "AARGH...rakesh thirumbiyum vittaandaa".
The next morning we decided to go for boating in the kodai lake. We were split as follows:
Rouse and Myself; Madhu and RV; Harish and Budda; Ajay and shekh, and finally rakesh, b and driver in a self-row boat. B rowed the boat for sometime and then the driver wanted to try his hand in rowing. So, when they shifted positions, the water kind of splashed on rakesh. Rakesh immediately shouted, "Ankill Ankill, please ankill. Ippidiyae B row pannatum. Thanni addikidhu yen maela. Kulurrdhu Ankil. Ennaku cold vandhidum please."
And then rouse came up with one of his pranks.He asked me to pedal the boat and chase the other boats and then he would climb over to the neighbouring boat to catch hold of their anchor rope and drag their boat behind us. Both of us did this to all the other boats, which got the others pissed. They all got together against us and ganged up to catch hold of our boats's rope and tied it to a branch of a tree on the banks of the lake. They eventually drifted away to the boat house leaving the two of us behind. We waited for half an hour and found than none came to our rescue. Then both of us shouted for help until the boat keeper rowed his boat all the way to our side and untied the knot and shouted at us using the worst of his local tamil vocabulary.
That night rouse got drunk and went high. He started singing "Raaravenu Gopapaala....Ayyayyo lyircs marandhirichae...". It was amazingly funny. He forgot the rest of the song and suddenly started singing "Sreegannanaatha....lakumitharaa", and ajay immediately said"Raavaa addihci ippidithaan aahum...".
He went to the other room and found rakesh sleeping. Rouse hit him hard on his head and shouted, "Thevdiya paiyya, enna da thoongara...". An alarmed rakesh woke up and threw a deo spray which unfortunately missed rouse and hit madhu. Madhu hit rakesh back on his head which put him to sleep.
Rouse didnt have enough. He found B sleeping on the couch and rouse fell on him shouting "AYYAYYO B....", and fell right on B, with rouse's elbows on B's balls. B shouted in pain and chased rouse with his shoes all around the room.
The next morning, rakesh woke up early to be the first to take bath. But unfortunately for him, there wasnt any water in the bathroom, so the smart rakesh took the bucket to the kitchen and tried to fill it from the washbasin in the kitchen. His clumsiness made him spill some water on the floor. He ignored this and went to take bath. When B woke up, he slipped on the water spilt by rakesh. By that time, rakesh came out of the toilet with his towel. B shouted at rakesh and asked him to wipe the floor immediately. Rakesh asked himself to be excused until he changed into his clothes. B was adamant and forced rakesh to wipe the floor with the towel he had tied around himself. And THERE was a funny scene:"Rakesh wiping the floor in his undies".
We went for trekking and sightseeing that afternoon. In one of the waterfalls we visited, the scenery was excellent and we climbed over the small hills to take a few snaps. In one such occasion, rakesh climbed down one of the steep slippery slopes and said,"Dae,naa azhagaa sirikiraamaadiri orru foto eddudaa..aemaathatheengadaa".
That evening, we went to the game room to check out on the games. Many of us played table tennis and rakesh went to the carroms room. After a few hours, we all quit table tennins to check out on what rakesh was doing. When we entered the carroms room, we found our thala talking to his opponent(who happened to be a girl of around 15yrs),saying, "White here...hit slow...keep striker here...dont touch red".
One day, we went for lunch to a place called "Rasoi's". We ordered for panneer butter masala. The waitress cum owner was a north indian woman. When she served us the rotis, she kept a cup which had some kind of side dish. Rouse mistook it to be the panneer butter masala and was surprised at the small amount we were served for 90RS. He said "Uyyo..enaadhudhu?Ivalothaana panneer butter masala?"Little did we know that the waitress understood tamil well. She suddenly turned to our table and said "Yaar pa andha 'vadivelu'? Oorga va paathu panneer butter masala solradhu?"
And then there was this time, when we went to a restaurant for breakfast. We were kinda late for breakfast and so the place was out of the special dishes. Some of us settled for dosais and idlis whereas madhu's hunger ordered "Butter Roast". When the waiter served us our respective dishes, madhu found that his order was not the way he wanted it to be. The butter roast he ordered was a Dosa with butter in a separate cup. Madhu got pissed and off went his temper. He called for the waiter and asked rudely "Idhu naadhu idhu? Butter enga? Naa enna sonnae nee enna eduthinivandiruka?". The waiter was scared and said, "Sir idhaan neenga kaeta butter roast" to which madhu replied "Butter thaniya, dosa thaniyavaa? Ennaku vaanaa...eduthutu podunga". The rest of us didnt know what to do as we all found madhu overacting for such a small issue. So we paid for the butter roast and apologised to the waiter on behalf of madhu and went back to the hotel. On the way rouse mocked madhu saying "Dae romba overaa therilla? Adduthathu nee mysor bonda kaetu, mysore enga kaepiya?"
On the day of the worldwide release of Dasavataram, we got tickets for the night show in a nearby theatre. We sat through the entire movie, which happened to be from a bad reel and hence a very poor quality. We went back to our rooms and were discussing about the good parts and the bad parts of the movie, when rakesh contributed,"Ellaam purinjidhuda....aanaa yaen ellaarum beach ponaanga?"
The night before our departure we decided to play a game of "Bluff". We all sat on a double bed and there wasnt much space for all of us and it was quite cramped. So, rakesh wanting to hide his cards, went under a blanket, but he didnt know that madhu lifted the blanket from behind to get a peek of rakesh's cards. The game ended with rakesh as the loser with around a hundred cards, most of which was madhu's.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mysore trip
We never slept during the train journey, which resulted in this very comical incident. So with me, in my cubicle, were rouse, rakesh, madhu, b, rahul rangan, sanket joshi, srinivas eswar and another passenger. But out of us, only rakesh had fallen asleep and was on the upper birth. Madhu wanted to play a prank, and took out his tooth paste. He spread paste all over rakesh's face, and quickly sat next to us, and pretended to be in chat with us. Rakesh woke up all of a sudden after 10 minutes, and started swearing loudly. He kept sayin,"Cheap da machan, cheap da machan" and ran to to the wash basin. He came back with water and paste all over his face, and said,"Machi, ippo rombave erriyuthu da. Yentha naay da paste potaan?". We couldnt control our laughter, and all of us bursted out laughing. This woke the copassenger, who shouted at us. "Dae, what man? You study in good school only no? Stupids! Have no manners at all. What nonsense are you doing". This man's english tickled us even more. But we went back to our berths. But we wanted to tease him even more, and didnt want him to sleep that night, as he called us stupids. So we started switching on the lights whenever someone went passed our cubicle, and shouted "Aye aye". So the lights went on and off right on this passenger's face, which irritated this fellow even more. He complained to KSB, who gave him her berth and slept in our cubicle.
In Mysore, we got a nice big room for seven. So we kept our bags and took bath and went for breakfast. But we were informed by the teachers that we have been alloted another room and we had to vacate our room quickly. So we hurried to the room and found that the girls were already in our room. They had opened the closet and found rouse's personals and were laughing at it. Poor rouse!
We were in the bus, and on the way to a temple. Rouse and rtp were sitting together, and were playing with a lighter. There were a few girls sitting in front of them. While playing with the lighter, they had by mistake lit a few strands of a girl's hair, which caught fire. Rouse immediately hit her head with his hand in order to put the flame out. Fortunately for them, the girls were sleeping and were not aware of what happened.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Idhu enga area, Ulla varathey!
Once when we were all in our hyper state, Easwari(teacher) got very irritated and stomped into our classroom. She was so pissed, that she didnt exactly know what she herself was saying, which went like this,"Do you know what i can do? Do you?". At this point of time, we were all waiting to hear WHAT her punishment was. She continued, "I can switch off all the fans and lights". All hail the mighty Easwari!
And there was this other time, when MEK was totally mad at us. It seems that we had crossed our limits, in her words. So she complained to MK about our class saying that we were the most atrocious of the lot, and she wanted him to take some action. MK simply replied, "I cant do anything. If you want you shift the staffroom".
Black and blue
Sheet Cheat
Both, rouse and myself were paralised with fear. I thought maybe if i wrote the answers to the 8th and 9th questions in another sheet and renumbered all my sheets, and if rouse just threw the sheet, which i had given him, away, then we could escape easily. But before i could even think of a way to tell rouse about my plan, he just threw my sheet back when usha wasnt looking. But the sheet flew only halfway between us, and fell down on the floor. Usha suddenly looked at our side, and started towards us. I pretended to be engrossed with my answers, and burried my face into my sheets. She stopped near my bench and saw the paper lying on the floor,an asked "Rohit, is that your answer sheet?", to which i nodded and retrieved my sheet. As i had got back my older sheet, i put the other sheet, which was meant to replace the older one,under my desk.
I finished the paper, and tied the sheets, and submitted them to usha. She looked at me, and said,"Check under your desk if you have missed any sheet". I went back slowly to my desk, wondering what to do, whether to lie saying that there arent any sheets and risk getting caught later, or say yes there is a sheet and answer all her questions of suspicion? It seemed like as if my hand worked on its own when it slowly pulled the paper from under the desk. I looked at her and said, with a fake smile, that there is a sheet. She smiled back, and to my surprise just said,"Tie it with the rest of your sheets". PHEW, i thought. Was THAT an escape or what? I tied the sheet with the rest, as she said, and scratched off the repeated answers from the original one, and submitted them back.